Teens are at a point in their spiritual development — and in their lives in general — where they question everything. This is the season when the seeds that have been planted throughout their childhood need to take root and grow into their own personal beliefs. Teens need concrete reasons to believe in God, and tangible ways to study the claims of Jesus. They need tools to help them appropriate the Holy Spirit as their personal helper.
As your teens explore their relationship with God, the following resources will deal with many aspects of that relationship: knowing what they believe and why, what God is really like, how to live by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the basics of sharing their relationship with God with other people.
Equip your teen with solid reasons for their faith.
How well do the teens at your center know why they believe what they believe? Don't leave them groping for answers — equip them now with a strong apologetic for the real-life questions and challenges they'll face as Christians.
These are not watered-down versions of the original books, but entirely fresh approaches to the same subject matter — with brand new material. Strobel partnered with Jane Vogel, a writer highly regarded for her ability to communicate with students, to customize the content of his books for the postmodern mindset.
Who Was Jesus? A good man? A lunatic? God?
There's little question that he actually lived. But miracles? Rising from the dead? Some of the stories you hear about him sound like just that — stories. A reasonable person would never believe them, let alone the claim that he's the only way to God!
But a reasonable person would also make sure that he or she understood the facts before jumping to conclusions. That's why Lee Strobel, an award-winning legal journalist with a knack for asking tough questions, decided to investigate Jesus for himself. An atheist, Strobel felt certain his findings would bring Christianity's claims about Jesus tumbling down like a house of cards.
He was in for the surprise of his life. Join him as he retraces his journey from skepticism to faith. You'll consult expert testimony as you sift through the truths that history, science, psychiatry, literature, and religion reveal. Like Strobel, you'll be amazed at the evidence — how much there is, how strong it is, and what it says.
The facts are in. What will your verdict be in The Case for Christ?
By: Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
Lee Strobel knows how important it is to find answers that ring true. With his background as an award-winning legal journalist, asking tough questions has been his business. And while his search for the truth convinced Lee that Jesus is real, it also confronted him with some particularly knotty, gut-level questions about Christianity. Why is there suffering? Doesn't science disprove miracles? What about hell — and the millions who have never heard of Jesus? Is God unjust? They're the kind of conundrums that can — and have — blocked people's faith.
They don't have to block yours. Join Lee in a fascinating journey of discovery. You'll gain powerful insights that will reshape your understanding of the Bible. And you'll read true stories of people whose experiences demonstrate that faith in Jesus not only make excellent sense, but a life-changing difference.
By: Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
In The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith student editions, Lee Strobel unfolds the compelling evidence that turned him from an atheist to a Christian. This leader's guide gives you everything you need to take your youth group or Sunday school class through both books. Five riveting sessions per book (ten sessions total) will furnish your kids with persuasive reasons for their faith in Christ. Here's what you and your group can expect:
Session 1 dramatically illustrates for your group the importance of knowing the facts about Christianity. Sessions 2, 3, and 4 consider the important objections people raise to Christianity, and respond with an in-depth look at the evidence for belief in Jesus and the Christian faith. Session 5 takes your group from learning to application as they draw on what they've learned in an actual evangelistic scenario.
You'll also find a skit suitable for publicizing The Case for Christ sessions in church to both kids and parents. Get excited! These powerful studies will boost the faith of your kids, and their confidence to share it, to a whole new level.
By: Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
How did the universe really begin? The verdict is in. In The Case for a Creator - Student Edition, best-selling author and former atheist Lee Strobel and popular writer Jane Vogel take younger readers on a remarkable investigation into the origin of the universe, interviewing many of the world's most renowned scientists and following the evidence wherever it leads.
Their findings — presented in the third blockbuster Case book student edition — offer the most compelling scientific proof ever for intelligent design. Perfect for youth groups and young people eager to rebut the Darwinian and naturalistic views taught so commonly in schools.
By: Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
Just about everyone you ask has an opinion about Jesus. Some believe he was the Son of God, while others question his existence altogether. Some believe he lived, but that he was merely a good man. Today, scientists and other people are making statements that can make it difficult to know what to believe. So how can you know who the real Jesus was — and is — especially when so many people are working to prove him to be a fake or a fraud? That's what Lee Strobel wanted to know.
As a former journalist — and a former atheist — Lee went on an investigative journey to discover the real Jesus, one that took him across the continent and into the homes of today's most prominent experts on Christian history. He found all the evidence he needed to believe that the Jesus is indeed the Risen Savior.
Join Lee's investigation and discover the truth about Jesus for yourself. After you've seen all the evidence, you'll know for certain who the real Jesus is, and you'll be able to help others know him as well.
By: Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
Have you made the wonderful connection with the Living God? This tract tells how to get connected, and how to live connected.
Great for teens who have some knowledge of God but haven't made a decision to surrender control of their lives to God.
By: Cru®
This is new version of Cru's popular booklet, Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-filled Life? It is a wonderful tool for helping other Christians understand what it means to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit — and enjoy a free, abundant life! This booklet helps you explain to others how to enter into a life controlled and empowered by the Holy Spirit and how to live in moment-by-moment dependence on Him. Many have learned to live an abundant life, which Christ promises by following the simple truths found in this booklet.
By: Cru
In pre-Civil War America, thousands of African Americans escaped to freedom by way of the underground railroad, a secret network of relationships and safe houses. Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave herself, returned to conduct others to freedom 19 different times via this passage.
Many of us today, while physically free, still experience various forms of bondage. There is still a need for spiritual and lasting freedom.
A resource of The Impact Movement (a ministry of Cru), this booklet will help your teens consider four principles that describe The Passage to true freedom and a personal relationship with God.
By: Cru
Exactly who was Jesus Christ? This movie answers that question, the most accurate film ever made about Christ, so true-to-life that viewers will feel like they are in first-century Palestine with the Savior. JESUS was filmed on location in Israel in biblical settings with a cast of more than 5,000 Israelis and Arabs. And virtually every word is taken directly from the Gospel of Luke.
JESUS — the most widely translated film in history — is currently available in more than 1,400 languages.
By: Jesus Film Project®
The Story of Jesus for Children is a specially adapted version of the JESUS film for children and is available in more than 100 languages.
How we view God affects how we live. We get ideas about what God is like from a lot of different places. Some of our assumptions are correct while others are very much mistaken. Our faulty views of God can have a very negative effect on our lives. Having a correct understanding of God's character is absolutely essential for everything else we do. This unit is dedicated to helping us accurately understand God's character.
By: Cru
A clear presentation of the gospel in a context to which your teens can relate.
By: Cru
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