Fast Track Starter Kit

The Fast Track Starter Kit contains one set of WorkNet Fast Tracks (13 per set), a career-interest survey and a few other additional tools that enhance the process of getting to know this curriculum. These additional tools can be downloaded from The WorkNet Fast Tracks are copyrighted materials and cannot be copied. Individual Fast Tracks can be purchased in quantities of 20 or in complete sets in quantities of 5 from The career interest surveys can be purchased from Edits, Inc.

Fast Track Video Series has been made available to Cru Inner City and to the inner-city churches and Christian organization that we partner with. Elisabeth Sanders-Park, President of WorkNet Solutions has partnered with Cru to create a set of videos where she teaches through the entire 13-part career development and job search Fast Track curriculum (paper worksheets in this packet). To find out about the availability of the video series, email

  • The WorkNet Model describes tells the story of the WorkNet model of Career Development and Job Search Placement for People with Barriers. It gives an overview of the philosophy behind it and describes many of the tools that are available within the curriculum.
  • Fast Track Descriptions page takes the descriptions from above and puts them in a one-page presentation.
  • Understanding My Work Motivation is a free download which explores 10 potential motivations for work and can be used in conjunction with the first Fast Track, "What Do I Want From A Job." This is how Elisabeth Sanders-Park teaches it in the Fast Track Video Series. You could also use it as a separate exercise.
  • COPS (Career Occupational Preference System) is a simple interest survey that can be purchased from a company called Edits, Inc. It is one of the auxiliary tools that we have found to be a helpful expansion of the suggested areas of interest listed in the "Perfect Ten" Fast Track. The survey help you identify which of the 14 general categories of careers you are drawn toward and then list 80 to 200 jobs to explore in each category. Each job has a code number which is linked to an expanded definition on a government website ( COPS is often used between the "Perfect Ten" Fast Track and the Career Exploration Fast Track which moves into mapping out the first steps of a career path. COPS can also be used as an initial assessment with a group or individual to give some immediate context in which to start a conversation about careers.
  • List of Values is an expanded list of values to supplement the list in the Perfect Ten Fast Track.
  • Sample Quantified Selling Points List is a list of QSPs that were created by men in a state prison as a homework assignment from the "Uniquely You" Fast Track. The term "Quantified Selling Points" is the name WorkNet uses for stories that give factual proof that a job candidate can do the job. A selling point such as, "I am a good sales person" doesn’t tell the interviewer very much. Whereas, a "quantified" selling point adds a number or proof that would give them something to work with (e.g., "At my last job, I met my sales quota by more than 20% for 6 months in a row"). QSPs are building blocks for other parts of the career development process because they are used in resumes, interviews, elevator speeches, phone-call scripts, etc. This sample list helps to jump-start the brainstorming process for the job candidate.

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For questions contact: Wayne Beich at

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