Boxes of Love® - Inner City Bakersfield

3 Simple Steps to Fill a Box of Love®

Get a BoxGet a Box ... or Two

You can get a box two ways. First, you could pick up one or more (get a few for your small group, Sunday School class or office) from the Cru® Resource Center. Secondly, you can pick one up from your home church. (If don't know if your church is involved or not call Richard at 661-637-0310.)

Cru Warehouse Directions & Map

Family Recommendation:
Pick up several boxes to give to other family members, and do the project together. Bring your whole family to pick up the box (the Cru Resource Center is a very safe location) and discuss how Jesus taught us to help the poor (see Family Resources for ideas).

Shop From ListShop From the List

Once you have your box, you can shop to fill it using the Shopping List. Please purchase items as closely as possible to what is shown on the list. This will help ensure that the recipient families get all of what is intended.

Printable Shopping List

Family Recommendation:
We recommend that you get your whole family involved in the shopping process! Divide up the items in the store and let everyone participate in the item collection. Your children will be excited and see a tangible example of biblical compassion in the process!

Drop off the Box(es)Drop off the Box(es)

Bring the filled box(es) back to the Cru Warehouse or to your church. Your church will see to it that they are brought to the Cru Warehouse in time for the packing party on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Family Recommendation:
Bring your family — no children under 12 years of age please! — to the annual Box Packing & Distribution Party on the Saturday before Thanksgiving (always). Here you will experience many inner-city churches and ministries working with hundreds of caring Christians to help organize and dispense all of the boxes.

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