Missional Coaching Toolbox

Missional Map

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The Postmodern Sojourner's Continuum

Adapted from I Once Was Lost by Everts and Schaupp for the purpose of journeying others to the Kingdom.

  Trust Me? Growing Curiosity? Open to Change? Seeking God? Following Jesus?

Identifying the people He is sending me to ... Pray and be filled with God's Spirit and ask Him to lead you to the people He has on your journey.

Use the following two questions to help with the clarification proces:

  1. Is God sending me to people where we live, work, play, or some other group?
  2. Who has God already placed in my path, in my care, or on my heart?

?'s to consider as I begin...

  1. When will I pray for these people?
  2. How will I bless these people?

Ongoing ?'s to consider...

  1. What are the troubles I can come alongside them in?
  2. What are the questions I am asking them?
  3. What are the questions they are asking me?

“just as the Father sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21


  • The missional map was created to help any missionally-minded person identify, pray for, and begin to engage people who are not yet following Christ. It is not meant to be a planning tool, but a starting place for mission.
  • The term “map” is used to give someone the sense of seeing the whole on one page. The “whole” they get to see is themselves going after a specified group of people that God has led them to engage for a certain period time.
  • You are not restricted to identify and engage only 20 people. However, most missional efforts lose effectiveness as the target is often too large and ambiguous. Hence, there are twenty slots to list the people God has laid on your heart to pursue.
  • It shoud be expected however, that God would lead people across your path that were not initially on your map ... and that's a great thing!
  • A word of warning: Do not let those you are journeying with see your missional map. We don't want people to feel like “a target” or “a project”.


  • “Trust Me”: This person genuinely trusts you and is willing to engage and be engaged.
  • “Growing Curiosity”: This person is opening their eyes and mind to possibility of something beyond themselves and their worldview. They may ask a few spiritual questions here. Don't pounce prematurely. Ask them questions in return.
  • “Open to Change”: This person is indicating that they would be willing to change their mind, habits, beliefs, attitudes, etc. They may not change anything, but you will see them ascent to the possibility of some changes.
  • “Seeking God”: This person is looking into what Christ and His message of the Kingdom offers. They will be engaging with you on biblical discussions. Key idea: The conversation is not one-sided.
  • “Following Jesus”: This person has entered the Kingdom, received Jesus, made a decision, or whatever terminology best suits you. At this stage, you need to continue the investment towards their maturity. They need to ”go on mission” with you right away.


  • Pray. Begin by asking God to give you wisdom and direction as you think through who you should put on your map.
  • Identify. Write down those whom God has laid on your heart ... co-workers, neighbors, friends & family, anyone who crosses your path on a regular basis.
  • Evaluate. Look at the “definitions” and determine where each person is at on their spiritual journey ... do they trust you?... open to change ... etc.?
  • Next step. Maybe it's that you need to pray for wisdom because you don't quite know where to start with them. Or maybe it's that you need to plan to eat lunch with them to build relationship.
  • Watch what God will do. Realize that you're in partnership with God. Each day can be an adventure as you see how God arranges circumstances so that you can build relationships and have spiritual conversations with those He has laid on your heart.

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