Missional Coaching Toolbox

30 Simple Ways to be Missional in your Workplace

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Many times it's difficult to find practical ways to be a blessing in your workplace. Rapid pace, mounting deadlines, or co-worker conflict can often derail even the best of intentions to say and show the love of Jesus at work.

Here are some very practical ideas for blessing others in the workplace:

  1. Instead of eating lunch alone, intentionally eat with other coworkers and learn their story.
  2. Get to work early so you can spend some time praying for your coworkers and the day ahead.
  3. Make it a daily priority to speak or write encouragement when someone does good work.
  4. Bring extra snacks when you make your lunch to give away to others.
  5. Bring breakfast (donuts, burritos, cereal, etc.) once a month for everyone in your department.
  6. Organize a running/walking group before or after work.
  7. Have your missional community/small group bring lunch to your workplace once a month.
  8. Create a regular time to invite coworkers over or out for drinks.
  9. Make a list of your coworkers' birthdays and find a way to bless everyone on their birthday.
  10. Organize and throw office parties as appropriate to your job.
  11. Make every effort to avoid gossip in the office. Be a voice of thanksgiving, not complaining.
  12. Find others that live near you and create a carpool.
  13. Offer to throw a shower for a coworker who is having a baby.
  14. Offer to cover for a coworker who needs to be off for something.
  15. Start a regular lunch out with coworkers (don't be selective on the invitees).
  16. Organize a weekly/monthly potluck to make lunch a bit more exciting.
  17. Ask some one who others typically ignore if you can grab them a soda/coffee while you're out.
  18. Be the first person to greet and welcome new people.
  19. Make every effort to know the names of coworkers and clients along with their families.
  20. Visit coworkers when they are in the hospital.
  21. Bring sodas or work appropriate drinks to keep in your break room for coworkers to enjoy. Know what your coworkers like.
  22. Go out of your way to talk to your janitors and cleaning people who most people overlook.
  23. Find out your coworkers' favorite music and make a playlist that includes as much as you can.
  24. Invite your coworkers in to the service projects you are already involved in.
  25. Start/join a city league team with your coworkers.
  26. Organize a weekly coworking group for local entrepreneurs at a local coffee shop.
  27. Start a small business that will bless your community and create space for mission.
  28. Work hard to reconcile coworkers who are fighting with one another.
  29. Keep small candy, gum, or little snacks around to offer to others during a long day.
  30. Lead the charge in organizing others to help coworkers in need.

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