Justice Coalition

The Problem

The Problem

36 million slaves are in the world today. This isn’t the 1800s, a time Americans acknowledge as the era when slavery existed and was accepted in our nation. This is today. And somehow our world now holds the record number of people in captivity.


Our Response

Our Response

In the face of the expanse and depth of modern day slavery it is easy to feel overwhelmed or fearful, leaving us apathetic or downtrodden in the midst. But what if we were to operate in the knowledge and truth that God is the One who called us into the battle?


Get Involved

Get Involved

To help, we’ve compiled some tangible ways for you to take the next step no matter where you are. The most important thing is to take action. 




Stories from Our Team

Stories from Our Team

 “He had tons of questions – he was almost grilling us, asking us all about human trafficking during our first event. While we were talking, I had this feeling he must have some personal connection to this issue. But before I could ask him any questions, he was on his way. 



Our Partners

Our Partners

Our partnerships were created to collaborate with and encourage organizations laboring against human trafficking all around the world. We work with IJM (International Justice Mission), AIM (Agape International Mission) and Freedom 58. These organizations each bring specialized training and expertise to their work, allowing our team to further educate students and give them a chance to serve our partner organizations first-hand.

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