Core Christian Beliefs

Sit With Me: Jesus’ Invitation to You

What does the Bible mean when it says believers are “seated with Christ?” It’s pretty simple.

Is Christianity a paradox?

Christianity is different than all other religions. Salvation comes through God’s grace through faith so no man can boast. Christianity is full of ironies, yet remains absolutely true. When we are weak, we are strong and consider it all joy when we face trials.

“I Think I’m Going to Be Sick”

We longed to be home, but life had other plans. What I learned about God on a 4 a.m. trip to the airport.

Just Once

God's love for us doesn't quit just because we are sinners.

What Is Justification and How Does It Work?

Justification is a legal declaration from God that you are innocent of sin. This definition is the best place to start, but learning how justification takes place is where we find the greatest hope.

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