
This Is What Happens When You Get Over Yourself

How to embrace and value the stories of others as strongly as you do your own.

5 Things My Cat Taught Me About God

If we have such strong emotions and love for our pets, then we can be sure that they’re just a small shadow of the infinitely greater love that God has for us.

5 More Things My Cat Taught Me About God

I’m always so amazed at how much God can teach us through the most ordinary things in our lives. For me lately, it’s been my cat, Boots.

How My Grandparents Taught Me to Love by Faith

Who has inspired you to love by faith? How has it changed your life? I learned three key things from my grandparents who were able to love by faith wherever they lived.

How to Love by Faith as a Biracial Person

There is a large divide between what people from ethnic minority cultures in this country experience and what people from the majority culture experience. This divide also exists in the church.

Who Am I? A New Way to Define Identity

In our lives, each of us has an identity being formed and shaped through experiences, relationships, culture, media and the world around us. We seek to define who we are in any way that we can. How would believing the truth about your new identity in Christ change the way you live?

How to Discover Your True Identity

We all find our identities in different places — name, race, country of origin, job, religion and so on. Here's a simple experiment to help you find your true identity.

How Do You Measure Your Value?

Finding a lasting sense of value and self-worth is a challenge we all face. Where do you think your value comes from?

When Finding Your Hope in Social Media Fails You

Discover how you may be filling a void with social media and what to do when it fails to fill you up.

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