Your Story

Cas Monaco

“For you are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that you should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). Now that we’ve walked through my story, I want you to think about yours. The Lord chose you, before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3‐ 4), as His workmanship – His masterpiece. He has a purpose and a plan, and He has a story for you to tell. It’s my prayer that this guidebook has helped you along the path.

As you embrace the Journey, I have five final steps for you to consider. My friend, Holly Sheldon, came up with these, and I’ve found them to be very helpful.

Begin this exercise by re‐stating your core call:


If you’ve been involved in ministry on your campus you most likely have served out of a vision for a particular area of campus, or a certain group of people. Maybe you’re in a sorority or fraternity, or perhaps you’re an RA in a dorm, or you’re a certain ethnicity. Your vision has been to reach men and women within that particular area.

As you think beyond the university setting, what is your vision? If you’re starting a job with an engineering firm, teaching school in an inner‐city, or designing brochures for an advertising company, what is your vision for the people you’re working with? How do you plan to trust the Lord to use your gifts and abilities in the workplace or ministry?


Most likely you’ve received some quality training while on campus. How do you plan to make sure that you continue to grow and develop as a follower of Christ beyond school?


My friends and I always say that you can do anything and go anywhere as long as you have a good team. We tend to think of “team” in the context of ministry (if you’ve been involved in Cru for any length of time). If you’re headed into the workplace, build a team. Gather a group of your friends together and develop a vision and plan for a city in your region. Go together, live near one another, create a ministry in your neighborhood, with co‐workers; or, start a ministry at a local high school campus.


“If we aim at nothing we’ll hit it every time.” I love that quote! Throughout school you’ve probably followed a syllabus. You’ve had clear tracks to run on, you’ve followed a plan, and now you’re graduating. Take the next step and create a “faith plan”. Set some goals financially, personally, and in ministry.


Whether you’re joining a ministry or going into secular business, develop a vision, plan on ongoing equipping, don’t go alone – take a team, create a plan, and partner with a church, an AID organization, or a campus ministry. With a receiving partner you’ll have help, accountability, direction, and even more people who share your vision.

Cru, in an effort to see Every Student Sent has developed a website: The purpose of this site is to help students like you, who have a vision and desire ongoing equipping to find others who have the same desire. It’s our desire to help you connect, wherever you go, into the body of Christ. We want to see you, God’s masterpiece, used in His Kingdom wherever He calls you to go and in whatever He calls you to do.

Your journey is just beginning, and it’s my prayer that as you live out God’s core call that you’ll write your own story someday – both here and in eternity.

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