Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/sex/pornography

To the Woman Addicted to Porn – You're Not Alone

Jessica Harris was addicted to hardcore pornography. She wants to tell other struggling women, “You’re not alone.”

Silent Epidemic: The Church’s Problem With Porn

Josh McDowell believes that pastors and other Christian leaders have been reluctant to talk about pornography because of the shame and risk of exposure attached to it.

An Unexpected Campus Speaker

Andy Atkins, Cru staff in Cambridge, England began pioneering a new movement just over a year ago and chose to use a provocative public event as a catalyst.

Fifty Shades of Caution

Women are asking if they should view the “Fifty Shades of Grey” film or read the book series.

Are We Failing Women in the Battle Against Porn?

Men and women struggle with pornography. But Christian women face a unique set of obstacles on the road to recovery.

Resolution Movement - Sign up for the Email Series

Do hurts and struggles drag you down? Are you looking for healing from anxiety, depression, loneliness or porn use? Sign up for the nine-part email series from the Resolution Movement.

How Can You Be Set Free From Pornography Addiction?

Many men and women struggle to find victory over pornography. Explore this life-changing journey to find hope and resources to conquer this addiction.

Cosmetic Surgery

I want to discuss to what the value of physical beauty is in the bigger scheme of things. As with most things, Satan has taken what God created as good and corrupted it to mess up our heads and hearts.

The 'M' Word

This is an insightful article on a difficult subject. It’s also an awkward subject, so we’ll simply say that the ‘M’ doesn’t stand for Marriage, Mascara or Madden Football.

Desire Series - Discussion Guides

Discussion guides for the Desire series for women.

Sign Up for the Desire Discussion Guides

Sign up to access our Desire series discussion guides.

No One Can Fight Your Battles, But They Can Stand With You

Do you have someone to run alongside as you pursue a healthy sexuality?

What Do I Do With My Craving For Sex?

How can you experience intimacy with someone you care about if you’re not having sex?

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