Our Commitment to Stewardship

Position on Gift Designation and Reassignment

It is the position of Cru that any donation given by a ministry partner in response to an appeal for a specified project will be used for that purpose. The ministry will begin to put the funds to work on that specified project in a timely manner, normally within twelve months. In the event that the designated project is fully funded, delayed or canceled, the excess funds will be reassigned to a ministry need most closely identifying with the project for which the funds were originally given.

The ministry will review gifts given by a ministry partner for an express, designated purpose, to determine if the purpose can be achieved. If the gift is accepted, the funds will be used for the designated purpose.

With appeals for projects, Cru will seek to disclose this position on accompanying material, while notifying the ministry partner, in advance, of the organization's position. Although the final decision on the redesignation from an appeal for a gift rests with Cru, the ministry will seek to find an alternative project(s) which is compatible with the partner's giving interests and desires.

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