
Our Prayer is Syria’s Hope

November 28, 2014

The Syrian Refugee situation is being called the greatest and most complex humanitarian crisis of our lifetime.

Yet, we talk with believers everyday who are unaware of the magnitude and significance of what is happening while half of Syria’s population has been forced to flee from their homes for safety.

Governments and humanitarian organizations have their roles when disaster strikes, and so does the church.

Christians are being asked to take on a 31-day challenge to stand in the gap by praying for the Syrian refugees and the radically inclined individuals who have come against them.

A sustainable breakthrough for the Syrian people will not come through bombs or negotiations.  It will only come through a consistent, real and focused movement of prayer.

Pray with consistency.

We are all busy, plain and simple. But the same way we find time consistently to brush our teeth, finding time to daily pray for people in need has the power to transform your heart and the lives of the Syrian people.

We all must be real with our prayers. It’s OK not to be an expert on world issues when you pray about them. What is important is coming before God with a sincere, open heart.

Pray with focus.

Often, we pray general prayers because we aren’t sure exactly what to pray for. The power of prayer increases when it moves from general to specific.

Take action with us today.

Go to The Syrian Circle and register to receive daily prayer points beginning Dec. 1. Be part of an intense, urgent and focused intercession, encircling the Syrian people in prayer for 31 days in December as part of a collaborative initiative with believers from different churches and mission organizations.

“The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked” Psalm 146:9 (NIV)

Related Topics:
Humanitarian Prayer

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