What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Do you need to devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? Must you become a better person so that God will accept you? Learn how you can know God personally.
Everyone has their own spiritual journey with the Lord. How can we help you move forward in yours today? Take the next step in your faith journey with devotionals and other resources for spiritual growth.
If you were created for community, why can relationships — family, dating, co-workers, neighbors — be so hard? Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God.
Sharing your faith is one of our most important callings as followers of Christ. Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus.
Students are interested and open to talking about spiritual matters in relationally safe environments.
Helping students overcome their fear of initiating spiritual conversations with friends is essential to seeing the gospel spread broadly on campus.
The best evangelism skills to develop are asking good questions and listening well.
Implement the SomeTime strategy as part of your small groups.
Use the Explorer role of CoJourners to teach students to ask good questions, exploring the background, experience, and spiritual interest of others.
Help your students develop plans to engage relationally with others, getting out of their “Christian bubble.”
Encourage and equip Christian faculty to utilize their expertise and influence to impact students and the world.
Ask the Lord to give you an exciting vision for natural mode evangelism on your campus.
How can you equip and motivate students to develop friendships, overcome fear, pray for opportunities, and initiate spiritual conversations with their friends?
What areas of campus (that are strategic or in great need of the gospel) can you encourage students to be become relationally involved in?
Non-believers often experience belonging to a Christian community before believing .
When you foster authenticity, love, and service in the movement, you provide outsiders an environment for healthy spiritual processing.
When students see the love of the gospel, it helps them understand the message of the gospel.
Train students in the practical skills of inviting, welcoming, and including outsiders.
Involve non-Cru students and faculty in Gospel in Action initiatives that address social injustice.
Track “involved unbelievers” in the movement.
Sponsor intramural athletic teams with a mission to demonstrate Christ-like sportsmanship.
Ask the Lord to give you an exciting vision for body mode evangelism on your campus.
How can you give Cru students practical training to help new students feel welcomed and loved: to feel like they belong, even though they don’t yet believe?
What human justice cause has God put on the hearts of the students on your campus and in your movement?
Strategically reaching out to a target audience (especially freshmen) often produces better results than random campus evangelism.
Listening to and learning people’s worldviews and experiences allows us to identify and more effectively address barriers to faith.
Using large group events and campus-wide campaigns creates significant evangelistic momentum.
Capture the momentum of retreats and conferences with a Perspective Week Campaign, Justice Week , or 30 Days on Mission .
Use Soularium , Perspective Cards , or a GIA emphasis to create spiritual conversations in high traffic areas of campus.
Take advantage of national (or regional) grants to help finance ministry outreaches, like the Speakers Forum or FSKs.
Ask the Lord to give you an exciting vision for successful ministry mode evangelism on your campus.
How could you use everystudent.com or social media to help students on your campus hear about Jesus?
How can you make Jesus and worldview a main topic of discussion and interest on your campus?
How can your movement initiate 1000 thoughtful and respectful spiritual conversations in one week?