Outreach Strategies

Evangelism Cafe: Principles, Practices, and Possibilities



  • Students are interested and open to talking about spiritual matters in relationally safe environments.
  • Helping students overcome their fear of initiating spiritual conversations with friends is essential to seeing the gospel spread broadly on campus.
  • The best evangelism skills to develop are asking good questions and listening well.


  • Implement the SomeTime strategy as part of your small groups.
  • Use the Explorer role of CoJourners to teach students to ask good questions, exploring the background, experience, and spiritual interest of others.
  • Help your students develop plans to engage relationally with others, getting out of their “Christian bubble.”
  • Encourage and equip Christian faculty to utilize their expertise and influence to impact students and the world.


  • Ask the Lord to give you an exciting vision for natural mode evangelism on your campus.
  • How can you equip and motivate students to develop friendships, overcome fear, pray for opportunities, and initiate spiritual conversations with their friends?
  • What areas of campus (that are strategic or in great need of the gospel) can you encourage students to be become relationally involved in?



  • Non-believers often experience belonging to a Christian community before believing .
  • When you foster authenticity, love, and service in the movement, you provide outsiders an environment for healthy spiritual processing.
  • When students see the love of the gospel, it helps them understand the message of the gospel.


  • Train students in the practical skills of inviting, welcoming, and including outsiders.
  • Involve non-Cru students and faculty in Gospel in Action initiatives that address social injustice.
  • Track “involved unbelievers” in the movement.
  • Sponsor intramural athletic teams with a mission to demonstrate Christ-like sportsmanship.


  • Ask the Lord to give you an exciting vision for body mode evangelism on your campus.
  • How can you give Cru students practical training to help new students feel welcomed and loved: to feel like they belong, even though they don’t yet believe?
  • What human justice cause has God put on the hearts of the students on your campus and in your movement?



  • Strategically reaching out to a target audience (especially freshmen) often produces better results than random campus evangelism.
  • Listening to and learning people’s worldviews and experiences allows us to identify and more effectively address barriers to faith.
  • Using large group events and campus-wide campaigns creates significant evangelistic momentum.


  • Capture the momentum of retreats and conferences with a Perspective Week Campaign, Justice Week , or 30 Days on Mission .
  • Use Soularium , Perspective Cards , or a GIA emphasis to create spiritual conversations in high traffic areas of campus.
  • Take advantage of national (or regional) grants to help finance ministry outreaches, like the Speakers Forum or FSKs.


  • Ask the Lord to give you an exciting vision for successful ministry mode evangelism on your campus.
  • How could you use everystudent.com or social media to help students on your campus hear about Jesus?
  • How can you make Jesus and worldview a main topic of discussion and interest on your campus?
  • How can your movement initiate 1000 thoughtful and respectful spiritual conversations in one week?

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