Outreach Strategies

How To Make God An Everyday Conversation


The pathway to purpose and a deep dialog about faith is neither simple nor linear.

When you look at our life and our relationship with Jesus, you may realize that it has been a journey. A journey of understanding, belief, experience and trust.

As you join others on their journeys, know that, like most other relationships, building respect and trust in order to share the gospel takes more than a cup of coffee.

It’s more common for someone to follow Christ after many conversations and forming a relationship with a Christian than upon hearing a one-time presentation of the gospel.

Doug Pollock, in his book “God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally,” suggests that you can share the love of Christ by creating “God space” — space where spiritual matters can be discussed freely.

Five Ways to Make God an Everyday Conversation:

1. Notice

“We need ‘Jesus glasses,’ the kind that allows us to see the world around us the way Jesus does. When we start to notice others with our Jesus glasses on ... His compassion melts away the coldness in our hearts. Our callousness toward others is replaced with genuine concern,” writes Pollock.

2. Listen and Wonder

As you try to reach people with the gospel, it is important to know them. Ask questions about things that are meaningful to them, their spiritual background and the church. Then, summarize their responses using a phrase such as, “So what I hear you saying … ” in order to better listen. Here are 99 “wondering questions” to get you started.

3. Pray

“Notice, pray, repeat.” While noticing others and getting to know their journey with God, constantly pray for them.

4. Have An Answer for Your Hope

“In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15, English Standard Version).

Be able to recall specific moments when God has led you into truth and shown you His grace, and be steadfast in your own personal Bible study. These two things are great preparation for having gospel conversations, not just gospel presentations.

5. Celebrate Small Victories

Celebrate different steps along the way in someone’s spiritual journey rather than simply a decision to receive Christ.

Take the initiative to love people and engage them in conversations.

“Relax, be yourself and let the Holy Spirit have His way in your relational connections,” Pollock writes. “If you’re willing to persevere in this holy endeavor, your words and actions will eventually flow out of the changes God has brought in you.”

Next Steps

The principles in this article were adapted from “God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally” by Doug Pollock.

Rebecca Kelsall

a missionary journalist with Cru, graduated in 2013 with a B.A. in multimedia journalism. Proudly Hispanic American and a newlywed, her interests include culture and psychology. Contact her at Rebecca.Kelsall@cru.org.

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