
Role 4: Introducing the Mentor

The MentorEncourage Christians to grow in their faith

Key skillsExplaining foundational truth and connecting people to Christian community

It is easy to think of evangelism as a one-time shot. But when someone becomes a Christian, they are at the starting line of their relationship with God.

This side of eternity, learning to live in relationship with God is hard. No one is meant to go on the journey alone. When you have the honor of telling someone about Jesus, you are the beginning of their Christian family.

The Apostle Paul modeled being a mentor for new believers in 1 Thessalonians. Throughout his letter, he talks about:

  • Praying for them
  • Spending time with them
  • Encouraging them
  • Encouraging relationships with other believers
  • Sending another believer to mentor them when Paul couldn't do it himself

Paul invested in new believers. And when people become Christians, their 2 greatest needs are

  1. to connect with a community of believers that will help them grow and
  2. to learn the foundational truths of following Christ.

You can be instrumental in helping meet both of these needs.

Community of Believers

Christians are meant to grow spiritually through relationship. Along with their relationship with God, there are 3 other types of relationships in which the believer experiences the love and grace they need:

  1. A relationship with a more mature believer who can encourage and guide.
  2. A relationship with a group of believing friends with whom they can do life.
  3. A relationship with a community of faith providing spiritual authority where they can also worship, learn, serve and pray.

It is not hard to be a mentor for a younger believer. Spend time with them discussing what has helped you to follow Christ. Introduce them to your Christian friends and finally, invite them to come with you to church. For specific ideas on how to do some of this,  read 4 Tips for Being a Spiritual Mentor.

Struggling Believers

New believers are not the only Christians who need godly mentors. As you explore people's spiritual needs, you will discover struggling believers. These are people who have already come to Christ, but for a variety of different reasons, have become stuck and need help getting over obstacles in their spiritual journey.

One tool that is particularly effective with struggling believers is Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life?

Learn more about being a mentor by:

This is the final part in a 5-part series.

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