QUIZ: What Kind of Ministry Is Right for You?


Ministry in the Workplace

Work occupies a lot of space in your life. You spend more time around co-workers than just about anybody else. Why not take the initiative to engage them spiritually? Here are some suggestions and helpful resources:

  • You can start a spiritual discussion group at lunch or after work. You could also try gathering with other Christians in the office to study Scripture and collaborate in how you can share Christ with your co-workers. The article “How to incorporate your faith at work” is a great starting point for motivation and resources.

  • Find a community of Christian business people in your area. Some recommended ones are LeaderImpact, The Christian Business Network, and CBMC International.

  • Read “A Theology of Work” to consider how God desires to use your work to glorify Him and build His kingdom.

Wondering if another type of ministry suits you better? Check out these other ways to serve:

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