Operational Support from Cru

Simple Crisis Response

Steps 1–3 occur simultaneously on the local level

1.  Locate all of your staff; do you know where everyone is?

2. Quickly assess the situation.  It is helpful to pause and think for a moment as to what kind of a situation it is. Does this have potential to affect the whole campus (e.g. violence or a natural disaster), or the staff team (e.g. swine flu), or an individual (e.g. health, finance, or a moral failure)? Will this potentially have broader ramifications?

3. Call the Regional Office crisis point person.

4. Call National Staff Care to inform them of the event, get instruction from, and involve them as needed:

  • Phil Thompson -- 407-484-8102
  • Debbie Brown – 407-443-9621

National Staff Care will contact the following:

(As Liaison)

  • Risk Management
  • General Counsel Office
  • Media coordinators

The goal of this process is for a coordinated response, and not to make the crisis bigger than it already is. In any case, please refrain from talking with the media until directed to do so by a trained media consultant.

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