Photo courtesy Karl Udy.
Jesus Film Project

Revolutionized Witness

“My Last Day” changes ministry in Africa.

170 students from 8 different campuses gathered at a university in a south African country to receive training in evangelism.

One tool they used was “My Last Day.” This 9-minute short film story utilizes dialogue from the original JESUS film and unfolds through the eyes of a criminal who receives the same brutal crucifixion as Christ. It depicts regret, repentance and redemption that frames the story of salvation using Japanese-style animation to capture the attention of a new generation.

The film was produced in association with Brethren Entertainment and animated by Tokyo's renowned STUDIOº4C.

These students watched the DVD with faces glued to the screen. Excitement filled the air following the showing as they realized the positive effects this short film could have on their campuses and extending to their nation.

In the words of one student leader, “[My Last Day] has revolutionized the way I witness! The animé is a great tool that captivates and catches the hearts of many of my colleagues. It is very short and straight to the point.”

This film communicates effectively to the current generation. Campus outreaches resulted in a distribution of 2,679 DVDs and 186 students indicated decisions to receive Christ. According to a campus leader, “[My Last Day] is making an impact on the ministry we are running.”

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