Jesus Film Project

Movie Outreach for Orlando Women

Sheila Hyers learns how much God loves her and how she can use Magdalena to tell others.

Sheila Hyers is precious to God. She hadn’t really felt that or understood it until she went through an 8-week Bible study, “Reflections of Hope,” with a handful of women from her church.

The Bible study is a companion to Magdalena: Through Her Eyes, a new film distributed by The JESUS Film Project®, a ministry of Cru.

Both the study and film focus on Jesus’ character through His interactions with women in the Bible.

Telling the stories from the women’s eyes, the film and Bible study are helping women see more clearly God’s love for them.

“I related to some of the women in the story,” says Sheila. Seeing Jesus care for these women helped Sheila understand anew that she was precious to God.

Moved by the desire to communicate to more women the message that Jesus loves them, Sheila told her study leader, Jenny Steinbach, she would like to help coordinate a showing of the film at her church in Orlando, Fla.

Jenny met with her and showed her the materials The JESUS Film Project had distributed and the prepared plan for showing it, described in steps that were easy to follow.

Fifty women came to the film showing.

When the women broke into small groups after the film to talk about what they’d seen, many felt free to tell others how God had used the film to help them understand more about His love for them.

Two women indicated decisions for Christ that night.

Just as God had motivated Sheila to show the movie, He moved several others to plan to use the film and Bible studies in their own neighborhoods and communities.

Jenny says, “Sometimes I think, It’s just a movie, but people’s hearts are being touched. Magdalena surfaces women’s needs.”

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