
Love Is the Muse That Captured His Heart

Donald, as we will call him, hails from a small village nestled among one of Asia’s many vast mountain ranges—a place hidden from the world’s sight. Perhaps this is why a short phrase from Colossians 3:3 resonates powerfully with him:

“Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”

Donald is content in this new hiding place, but he is not without ambition. In fact, the very same power that drew him in also propels him out: the incomparable love of God.

Out of the Mountains and Into the Light

Donald didn’t even give God’s love a passing thought until 2008. A classmate brought him to church, and then an article about the topic fell into his hands. He was captivated.

“I wanted to know what love is,” Donald says. “I began to think about love.”

This initial taste led Donald down the same path it does for so many—to seek and find Christ, the source of that overwhelming love. And that’s what he found.

The Ambition of the New Kingdom

Donald has worked in advertising and web design for three years, but pursues another passion in his time off. He writes.

Along with essays and short stories, he has written more than 50 poems, some having been featured in magazines. His topics range from God to family to society, but he puts his heart into all of it. He’s also helped translate two Christian books from English into his native language.

This is the source of his long-term ambition. He desires to go to seminary to become a pastor and a writer, voicing the love imprinted on his heart with the world. This can be risky business in his country, but he is focused.

Donald calls Colossians 3:1-4 his favorite Bible passage. Along with the reminder that his life is hidden with Christ, the verses remind Donald to set his mind on heavenly things, not earthly ones.

Staying Focused Day-by-Day

Because of the nature of his work and outside ambitions, Donald often works alone. But he keeps the greater purpose of his life at the forefront of his agenda.

“I make a to-do list every day,” he says. “Each day I include reading the Bible, prayer and sharing the gospel with people.”

Because he now lives in a large Asian city, he’s surrounded by people who need to hear about Christ. He shares his faith regularly and mentors a younger believer.

Even so, some days pass without these objectives being accomplished. But that doesn’t stop Donald from making these his aim. Whether by speech or by pen, he can’t help telling others about his new hiding place and the love that called him there.

Next Steps

LeaderImpact, a Cru ministry, identifies five needs for successful Christian leaders: kingdom vision, mission-focused community, a plan, ongoing learning and a coach. Donald’s story highlights two of these—his kingdom vision and a simple, daily plan.

What God-given vision captures your heart? What simple plans can you make to see that vision realized?

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