
One Million Meals for Haiti

Students gather together to worship, have fellowship, talk to others and pack meals

“Yea!...the LORD truly is awesome! 610 new bros and sis in Christ this week!!!” Jason Pan wrote several weeks ago on Big Break’s Facebook page.

During March and April 2010, college spring breakers in Panama City, Florida were doing more than just having fun. For 5 weeks, a rotation of college students from across the U.S. gathered together for the annual 1-week Big Break Conference.

Over the course of a week, students gathered together to worship, have fellowship, talk to people on the beach about God and pack 1 million meals for the Haitian earthquake victims.

Global Aid Network, in partnership with Kids Against Hunger, provided the opportunity for students to tangibly engage in packing rice meal packs for Haiti.

“Creating these meals created a double opportunity for the gospel -- the first with college students on the beach getting a chance to do good and hear the gospel after helping out, the second with Haitians receiving the much needed food to help with their physical needs, and hearing the gospel to help with their spiritual needs,” said John and Kristin Madegja, Cru staff members.

What was the result? At the end of the 5 weeks, 1,500 people indicated they had placed their faith in Christ for the first time and 1 million meals were packed for Haiti!

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