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When Lita Pita and her husband, Afelee, came to New York City in December 2006, they were on "permanent mission" from the island of Tuvalu, 7,500 miles away.
As the wife of a United Nations ambassador and the only other diplomat from Tuvalu, Lita was quickly overwhelmed with the stress of her work and life. She remembers being "desperately in need of something—something more powerful than anything."
During her first year, Lita was continuously invited to lunch with Christian Embassy, Cru's ministry to diplomats, but she never felt she had time. Finally, she decided to accept the long-standing invitation.
At the lunch, Lita heard someone read these words of Jesus: "Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Lita knew immediately that although she had known about Jesus, she'd been missing closeness to God.
Along with returning to CE each week, Lita decided to get to know God by reading through His Word—and taking notes. She bought a notebook and began at Genesis. Her relationships with her husband and children even grew as she began a daily family devotional time, reading the Bible together. "Now when we go to church, it isn't a ritual; it's worship," she says.
Laura Fels, CE staff member, says, "Her face immediately began to shine. Now she can't stop talking about the Lord."
Today, Lita is also a diplomat for the Lord as she writes regular letters to Tuvaluan students, telling them the things she continues to learn about God.
By teaching English, Heidi Jensen builds friendships in the diplomatic community.
College student's road to future takes an interesting course.
With the Holy Spirit's help, talking to people about Jesus isn't as difficult as you'd expect.
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