
Dave's Story

Dave's marriage was changed through eMentoring

Photo courtesy FamilyLife

Dave’s* wife had asked him to move out and was adamant that their marriage was over. In fact, she became irritated if he or other family members even discussed reconciling and was determined to move on without him.

Dave, on the other hand, wanted to keep his family together which included 2 young children. Things looked pretty bleak. 

So Dave contacted one of FamilyLife’s eMentors online at www.FamilyLife.com/eMentoring.

Over the next few weeks the eMentor and Dave emailed back and forth anonymously using FamilyLife’s secure mentoring platform called TrueConnection. While Dave had not cheated on his wife, he admitted that he’d not been the husband or father the Bible told him to be.

Dave and his mentor discussed repentance, yielding to the Spirit for real change, and how to give unconditional grace and love to his wife -- even when it wasn’t reciprocated. Dave began doing these things, but the situation looked even worse when it appeared she was developing a relationship with another man.

Over a number of months, messages and prayers continued to be exchanged between Dave and his eMentor. Then this past month, in the 60th message to his eMentor, Dave shared that his wife’s heart was changing.

She began thanking Dave for not giving up and for making noteworthy changes in his own life.  Then she said this to Dave:

“I have to admit that it felt really good waking up with you this morning and having you there to help with the morning routine! Thank you for fighting for us Dave, we owe everything that will be to you and your efforts. I had thrown the towel in and had NO desire to look back...none. Who knows where this is going but I am sure it will be better than where we have been.”

*name changed due to confidentiality

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