
Zach: Reminded at TCX

I wasn’t sure what to expect. This was the first TCX conference I had ever been a part of. I had heard some pretty amazing things, but it was all still just second-hand experience. I’m happy to report I was not at all disappointed.

The main sessions were definitely the highlight of my time at TCX. The worship was just phenomenal; I found myself breaking down more times than I care to count! Every time a speaker got up, I felt like they were speaking directly towards me. Like they could see the junk in my life and were telling me to just let it go and to put my trust in Christ. Even though 1600+ students were present during these sessions, they were still super personal.

I also loved the time I had to build relationships with old and new friends alike. I especially loved the day of outreach, and the privilege I had to show the love of Christ! So I guess what I’m saying is that TCX rocked.

Lately, in the time leading up to TCX, I’d been feeling super stressed out about school, family, and friends; just a huge pile of junk that had been hampering my walk with Christ. It had all just become so overwhelming that I felt trapped, lost, and unloved.

It took me until my time here in Minneapolis to realize that we belong to a God who promised never to leave or forsake us. If everything else in life is a mess, there will always be Christ! Even though I’m a total screw up, Jesus has willingly given me his spotless life, and my position in Christ has already been made perfect through his death and resurrection, no matter how I may be feeling at any given time. TCX was an amazing reminder of that and has reignited my passion for the Lord.

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