
Update from Cru Boston

Please pray for the city.

To our students, alumni, and supporters worldwide:

As many of you know, the city of Boston experienced an unimaginable tragedy yesterday. Fatal explosions have taken the lives of three, seriously injured dozens, and deeply affected everyone. Today Boston is quiet as it fights for a sense of normalcy.

Cru Boston would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love we’ve experienced. Thankfully, none of our staff, students or volunteers were harmed at the marathon. Despite the terror of yesterday’s events, God’s protection has been abounding.

Today we request prayer. Please be praying for officials as they deal with ongoing repercussions of the blasts. Pray for the injured and for the families of the deceased. Please pray also for the many in the city who are struggling with questions about good and evil, forgiveness, and faith. Pray that we may have the wisdom as to how to connect with frightened and hurting students. We trust that through prayer, God can heal a multitude of wounds.

God has done overwhelmingly powerful things in Boston this past year, and He is not through yet. Thank you again for your love and support.

"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." - Psalm 27:13

For updates or more information on Cru Boston, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.

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