
Trusting God in Seattle

Wow! I am finally on my way to Seattle!! Sitting in my seat, waiting with growing anticipation and eagerness for what awaits. God is so cool!! He doesn’t dull me for a minute as each small step brings me closer to the hope I have in Him. I have to admit, I am nervous about being so far from home, and without friends, but I know the Spirit is with me. He fights for me and holds me; Christ saved me through His death and compels me through His resurrection. The Father is always with me; He consoles and weeps with me. When I have disobeyed Him; He (the Three in One) meets me. He does not forsake me because I am His. I am not perfect in ANY way, but Christ’s blood has made me clean and pure. As long as I let Him work within me and replace my feeble thoughts with the truthful and simple ones of His, then I will have peace, joy, and strength.

Lord, You are amazing and gracious. Your mercy is indeed more than I can imagine, and I am dumbfounded every time I think of how much You WANT me and love me. I am sorry for hurting You, and though I would say I will never hurt You again, I know that I am weak in my own humanity. Yet, You still welcome me with open arms and hold me close to Your heart. You, Yourself said that You would always be with me (Matthew 28), and this I count and rely on as I venture forth to serve You in Seattle. Feed Me Your peace, assurance, strength, and courageous boldness every day, not just for me but also for the believers who are serving with me. Please grant us access to the hearts of the people we meet and work with. Keep us humble, and give us the words to say in every situation, showing Your grace AND truth. Thank You, again, for the love You give and the victory we have in Your Son. In Christ’s name, I pray. AMEN.

By Heidi.

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