
Students Take Faith to Next Level on Summer Projects

Wide variety of opportunities and destinations await those willing to go

Guy Gerrard

Although it can take many forms, a summer project always contains these elements:

Summer -- Last year the projects began as early as May 8 and lasted as late as August 20, ranging from 1 to 11 weeks in length.

Evangelism -- Students on summer projects personally explained the gospel 39,443 times last year -- 2,148 people indicated decisions for Christ.

Christian students living in community with Cru staff members -- Last summer 3,669 students went on 234 projects, with groups ranging in size from 8 students to 130.

A populated location -- Whether students live at a beach, a national park or in the middle of a crowded city, the aim of the summer is to help students interact with people on a regular basis. Projects took place in 26 states and 51 countries last summer, with students also visiting orphanages, villages, prisons, military bases or hospitals.

Training and bible study -- Students are mentored in their faith continuously on a project, and participate in Bible studies and evangelistic trainings. They sometimes get jobs on U.S. projects, or focus on a specific area of society with one of Cru's unique ministries like the Medical Strategic Network or Destino (Hispanic ministry). Whatever the day-to-day looks like, everything is done with the intention of building relationships and giving students opportunities to communicate their faith.

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