Photo courtesy See You At The Pole.

See You At The Pole isn’t just for high school

September 21, 2015

A pretty significant event in many high school ministries is See You At The Pole™ (SYATP), held the fourth Wednesday of September. For college ministries, it isn’t quite as big a deal.

But maybe it should be.

A friend showed me an Instagram pic from the Lone Star College–CyFair Cru movement telling about SYATP. CyFair, in Cypress, Texas, is a community college of about 20,000. TC, the Cru leader for the last six years, told me they have had 100-130 involved each year.

On Wednesday, September 23, they will join a local high school ministry to pray before first period. They’ve been doing this for several years.

Why is this such a big deal?

Here are three reasons why.

  1. High school students look up to college students as models. Praying in a public setting such as around the flagpole while other students walk by demonstrates a willingness to identify with Christ. That models what they value.
  2. Research shows that those most open to the Gospel are under 18. It is a great opportunity to reach out to a very responsive audience. For some freshmen, going back to share their faith in their high school is very motivating. TC talks about the importance of students at CyFair pouring into the high school students.
  3. Many high schools feed directly into certain colleges. TC said that Cru students have participated in SYATP for several years. Interestingly, that high school supplies more Cru leaders at CyFair than any other school. By launching and coaching ministries in high schools, you get to build your “farm team.” What would you do with leaders trained and committed to our DNA coming in as freshmen?

So why not plan to join with many Christian organizations across the nation who will be praying around their school’s flagpole on Wednesday, September 23? And if you happen to know some who are gathering around a high school flagpole, why not join them there? You just might start something that will continue on past the first bell.

More info on See You At The Pole™ 2015.

See you AFTER the Pole. How to reach your high school for Jesus.

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