
Redeeming God's World


We all have witnessed or experienced pain big and small. But no matter the magnitude of the pain, we look around and can see that things aren’t the way that we would want them to be and long for it to be set right. Maybe this is just me. But I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that this world needs healing. It can often seem overwhelming to try to think of making a positive impact, but these things have helped me think about it in a healthy way

God’s Redemptive plan isn’t individualistic

The dominant cultural mindset of the US doesn’t often expand beyond ourselves or family. We read John 3:16 and read “For God so loved me that he gave his one and only son…” instead of “For God so loved the world…” I think that it is important to remind ourselves of how much God loves us individually, I need to do it all the time because I often forget.  But in the midst of that, we need to remember that the redeeming work of Jesus goes far beyond ourselves, it extends to the whole of creation.

This means developing a heart for others. Philippians 2:3-4 says," Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." We love others and put their needs first because of the example that we have in Christ.

He desires us to join in his redemptive work

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.”

Recently, I’ve adopted the moto, “I’ve been set free to set things right.” Though I have regular reminders of my weakness and sin, I know that I am a new creation in Christ- set free from all that separated me from God’s love. Because this price is already paid, through Christ, I am able to join Christ in his work of redeeming others. Not due to obligation and the payment of my sins. But because Christ has already shown his love for me and his continued love in wanting to include me in his work of redemption.

And that’s just it, it's not our work, it's Jesus’. God does all the heavy lifting of ministry. We just join in on what he is already doing. He doesn’t need us to participate, but gives us the privilege to come alongside him.

How we can do this?

So if we know that God’s redemptive plan is not just for us but for all people and that we do it because we have already been set free, what is next?

  • First, we have to ask what is the price we are willing to pay. Are we willing to surrender our everyday lives to follow God’s will? The specific things that God calls us to do looks different from person to person. But God always wants us to rely on his Spirit and follow him into the unknown.

  • Second, we get uncomfortable. Often God calls us to spaces we wouldn’t go on our own, whether that is across the world, across the street, or the desk next to you. Reaching people for Christ means getting out of your comfort zone for the sake of changing someone’s eternity

  • Third, we give our time. There are plenty of organizations who can help us be more effective in making a positive impact. Organizations like Cru’s High School ministry can help give you the training and support so you can reach high school and middle school students in your area and point them toward Christ.

  • Fourth, we give our resources. It’s important to know how God has gifted us so that we can use those gifts for his kingdom. Cru has partnered with Predictive Index so that you can know how God has uniquely wired you to help build his kingdom. Take the assessment here.

Moving Forward

God not only wants to redeem us individually but wants us to come alongside him as he redeems others. The question you have to ask is are you willing to take a step? At Cru we would love to help you take a step in reaching others by giving you the wings to reach high school students in your area. The first step to that is to take the Predictive Index so we can help you find your best fit for making a difference.

Take the gifts assessment

Part of understanding how you were designed to change this world is to understand your strengths. Cru has partnered with Predictive Index to give you a free strengths assessment


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