Ministry Leaders

Pastors, Church Leaders, Christian University Faculty & Administrators - Partnering with you to reach your community and the world.

Lets Explore Working Together

Together, we can do more than we can apart.

Whether you are a pastor, a leader in your church, or work with a Christian university, we know that students are key to fulfilling the Great Commission. Let's reach the next generation together. We want to hear about your ministry goals, explore options for how to partner, and work together to better reach the community and the world.


“Grace Bible Church has had the privilege of partnering with Cru for over twenty years. As a church we have thousands of students, many who desire to reach the nations. Cru allows us to be able to effectively and efficiently mobilize, train, and send students to share their faith all over the world. As a church our mission and vision line up beautifully with Cru, and our desire to see students all over the world reached allows us to selflessly partner together as we mutually pursue taking Christ’s name to the nations.”

— MARTY SCOTT, Missions Pastor


Ways Cru can Support Your Ministry

Mission Trips

Mission Trips

Cru provides mission trip opportunities all around the world, mobilizing students to reach other students. We can help you take students to the world. Explore the places where we send students globally.

Winter Conference

Winter Conference

Winter Conference is one event in 7 locations, helping students grow in their faith, share their faith, and go back to their communities mobilized for mission. Find a location near you!

Evangelism Tools

Evangelism Tools

Cru has many tools to equip you and your students to share the gospel. Check out these mobile apps that will help your students connect others to Jesus.

Pray For Campuses

Pray For Campuses

Cru and InterVarsity are partnering with the body of Christ and trusting God for renewal on college campuses. By 2020, we want to cover every campus in prayer. Prayer walk a campus near you.


“Simpson University’s WorldSERVE program desires to engage students in a discipleship journey. We ask our students to commit to being a disciple of Christ in order to make disciples as they partner with long-term field workers to further God’s plan of redemption throughout the nations. In our partnership with Cru, we have found like-minded people who desire to equip our students for cross-cultural ministry and evangelism. They also have passionate and seasoned field hosts who provide discipleship and invaluable on-the-field expertise to our students. I am incredibly grateful for the support and encouragement they provide students who desire to share the gospel. They provide excellent logistical assistance, resources, and training. Their partnership is a blessing to Simpson University and our WorldSERVE program. I am confident in sending students to serve with Cru.”

— DANNIELLE STAHLY, Coordinator of Student Missions


Cru and the Local Church

Steve Douglass, President of Cru, shares about how Cru is partnering with the local church around the world.

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