
Hawkeye Harvest

From Charlie Shaller (Hawkeye Nation MTL) :

A while ago, we heard that former Iowa Hawkeye and Green Bay Packer Aaron Kampman was moving back to the Iowa City area. We asked Jim Goodrich, our AIA staff, if he could possibly get Aaron to speak at our first Cru weekly meeting (Jim really influenced Aaron's life in college). We advertised the heck out of it: banner on the front page of the paper, 1300+ invites on facebook, flyering. And people showed up. Our weekly meeting was twice as big as its ever been. During our first worship set our student leaders were excitedly running around trying to find more seats for people who kept streaming in. The local CBS News affiliate even showed up to interview Aaron.

It was a night of wins all around. We saw 14 students indicate they had accepted Christ and wanted follow-up information. Over 100 said they wanted information about small groups. Jim Goodrich had a crowd of athletes who wanted to know more about AIA. We saw even more Chinese students than usual. David, one of our student leaders, sat with a student who had more questions and ended up leading him to faith. This student told David, "My father is one of the most powerful men in the Chinese government." So who knows what God could end up doing with the ripples from last night.

God is really doing amazing things here at Iowa. After just 4 days on campus we have already seen 19 people put their faith in Christ.


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