
God Uses an Athletic Trainer

God Uses an Athletic Trainer (photo)

After coming to Christ through the Destino movement at UT El Paso, Jenade grew in her faith and learned to share that faith with others.

She loved telling others about Jesus so she planned to pursue joining Cru staff after graduation.

However, she felt conflicted because she also thoroughly enjoyed her major, athletic training.

God led her to take a year to intern as an athletic trainer to see what it was like. During that year she asked the Lord to show her how He might use her as a trainer.

He answered her prayer by giving her opportunities to have spiritual conversations with athletes.

For the first time she saw how God could use her in her job.

This was confirmation that the Lord was sending her to reach people for Him by working as an athletic trainer.

Now she works at Central Michigan University where she has numerous opportunities to tell students about Jesus and build them up in their faith.

Jenade began to mentor Jenna soon after she started to follow Christ. During their time together Jenade asked, “Is there someone you know who is interested in spiritual things?”

Jenna’s sister was also an athlete at the school and was very interested. So they set up a time to meet with her. To both of their surprise, after going through a simple gospel presentation, Jenna’s sister surrendered her life to the Lord.

Jenade often tells the girls she mentors that she meets with them because people took time out of their busy schedules to meet with her when she was in college.

Because God’s people invested in her, she is now investing in others.

She believes that she has been sent to the campus to encourage others in Christ and share the gospel.

She says, “It’s what has changed my life and it would be awful if I did not share that same message with others.”

Watch Jenade’s story.

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