
70 College Freshmen Help Make Connections with God

On an early September day, 3 college students stationed themselves on a rough block in Queens, N.Y. Stephen Pyo, a Korean-American freshman, started break dancing while Aloke Blake, an African-American freshman, rapped an evangelistic rhyme.

The outreach was part of student orientation at The King's College, a liberal-arts school housed in the Empire State Building and operated by Cru.

Before classes even started, 70 freshmen fanned out across New York City. Through their efforts, more than 40 people indicated decisions to follow Christ.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your connection with God?" David Podhaskie, a sophomore leading the outreach, asked a bystander.

"About a 4," replied the man.

"We can help you make that a 10," said David. Shortly after, the man prayed and received Christ.

Stretching the students is what King's is all about. "We view our student orientation like a boot camp," says Duanne Moeller, dean of students. "We give them a chance to experience the joy of personal evangelism right away."

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