
Defining Our Cause

Cru was founded in 1951 at UCLA by Bill and Vonette Bright. There are currently about 60 ministries under the umbrella of Cru.

The Campus Ministry is one of them—that’s us. Since the beginning, God has called Cru to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) in this generation by winning, building and sending.


Turn lost students into Christ-centered laborers. (Matt. 28:18–20; Matt. 9:36–38)

This is what our mission means:

  • Taking the initiative to share our faith so that every student on every campus can hear the gospel in an attractive, meaningful manner. (Win) Col. 1:28, Rom 10:13–14.
  • Offering a place where Christian students can connect with other Christians and grow in their faith. (Build) Eph 2:10; 2 Tim 2:2.
  • Equipping students to walk with God for a lifetime and have an impact for Christ on the campus and the world. (Send) 2 Cor. 5:14–15; Rev. 5:9; Rom 12:1–2; Matt. 24:14.


We know that apart from Christ we can do nothing. So all the above is fruitless if we do not depend on the Lord to work in and through us.

1. The Holy Spirit is the One who glorifies Christ. When we placed our trust in Christ as Savior and Lord, Christ enters the lives of believers by His Holy Spirit. Jesus said many things about Him:

  • He is our helper. (John 14:26;15:26)
  • He is our teacher. (John 16:13)
  • He gives us the power to share Christ with others. (Acts 2:8)
  • The Holy Spirit does not focus on Himself, He glorifies Christ. (John 16:14)
  • The Holy Spirit develops His character in our lives. (Gal. 5:22–23)

2. Prayer. God longs for every person to know Him. He wants us to depend on Him. One of the best ways to demonstrate our dependence and faith is simply by talking with the Lord about what is on our hearts, minds and what we long for Him to do on the campus.

  • Ask the Lord to increase your faith. (Phil 1:9–11; Col 1:9–12; Col. 3:16)
  • Ask the Lord to open the hearts of people on campus to the gospel and to respond in faith to Jesus’ love and forgiveness. (Matt. 7:7–11)

Remember, even if only a few of you are praying together, Jesus is there with you (Matt. 18:20)


Every student. We want to link arms with Christian students, volunteers and churches to help give every student an opportunity to say “Yes!” to Christ and experience God’s love and forgiveness. We look for every available means to share Christ in a relevant and compassionate manner.

Every person on earth. Cru is committed to unite with the worldwide body of Christ to help accelerate world evangelization through ongoing training, discipleship and prayer. We want to influence a chain reaction of people reaching people with the Good News of Christ’s love and forgiveness.

©1994-2020 Cru. All Rights Reserved.