Photo by Lower Columbia College/Flickr.

Back to School Tips

August 11, 2014

We all know going back to school can be a mix of nerves and excitement, so here are some tidbits of advice to help you stay on track as you prepare.

Before you get to your campus

  1. Pray for a revival on your campus.
    This year could be a year of exciting revival on campus. Pray for the ways God has been working in the lives of students during the summer and pray that He will continue to stir their hearts during the school year. Pray with power. Pray for revival in your own life as well.
  2. Pray for the freshmen entering college.
    Freshmen are at a unique stage in their lives. It’s rare that there will be another time when so much is new and overwhelming. Start praying for this new class of freshmen; that God will meet them right where they are and draw them to Himself.
  3. Engage with your future roommate via social media.
    Ask questions to get to know him or her more personally. Even if you don’t become best friends, God has placed this person in your life for a reason.
  4. Begin to pray for your roommate.
    Pray for his/her family, classes and adjustment to college. Pray that spiritual conversations will be engaging. Start asking some questions and keep the conversation open.

  5. Once you’re on your campus

  6. Make sure to get plugged in to a Bible study.
    This is a great way to deepen your faith and build lasting friendships. Cru offers some great studies, either to join[needs link to campus locator] or start one yourself.
  7. Stop by tables and booths around campus.
    Don’t just pass them by, but instead stop and chat with your fellow students at the tables in the student union or sidewalk. Take a flyer, fill out a survey, and ask good questions to the person at the booth. You’ll make their day!
  8. Find a local church to get involved in.
    Invite some friends to come with you as you check out different local churches. They’re one of the best places to experience the community outside of campus. Many even offer shuttles to Sunday services for students without cars.
  9. Go to all the free events that your campus offers.
    Freshman orientation party? Concert during the first week of classes? Take advantage of these free events to meet new people and explore your campus. You never know who you’ll meet or what might happen.
  10. Explore all the clubs and organizations on your campus.
    Whether they are academic, government or service clubs, the organizations on your campus are great places to plug in make a difference. Check them out!
  11. Sign up for an elective class outside your comfort zone.
    Will you check out photography or cooking? Maybe economics or rock climbing? Stretch yourself, meet some amazing people and learn some new skills!

What else would you add to this list? Comment below!

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