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Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have a way of measuring your self-worth. You may not do it the same way someone else does, but you use something in your life to determine your own value.
According to one study, your self-worth is likely based on how you rate yourself in at least one of these seven areas:
We did a Twitter poll recently to see where the members of our audience believe they find their value. Here’s what they said:Do you find your value in any of the things listed above?
Think about the things that make you feel good about yourself. What happens to your self-worth if any of these things change?
Positive vibes from social media posts feel great, but they fade quickly as your newsfeed moves on.
Jobs and relationships can be fulfilling, and they definitely last longer than likes on Instagram, but what happens to your value when you lose your job or when people let you down?
I used to find my value in relationships, jobs and even my body image. When any of those things wobbled — if I had an argument with a family member, if I got negative feedback from a coworker or if I failed to maintain self-imposed weight goals — my worth took a hit.
When I was at a low point, my pastor encouraged me to take my insecurities to God. As I prayed and spent time reading the Bible, my mindset about my value changed.
One passage that tells me exactly what God thinks of me says:
“I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love — not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” (Romans 8:38-39, Contemporary English Version).
Not only does God love me no matter what happens, but His love will never change.
Ever since I put my faith in Jesus and found my value in who He says I am, I’ve found strength and confidence that don’t change with the ups and downs of life. As long as I stay focused on my relationship with Him, my self-worth is secure.
In our lives, each of us has an identity being formed and shaped through experiences, relationships, culture, media and the world around us. We seek to define who we are in any way that we can. How would believing the truth about your new identity in Christ change the way you live?
Discover how you may be filling a void with social media and what to do when it fails to fill you up.
We all find our identities in different places — name, race, country of origin, job, religion and so on. Here's a simple experiment to help you find your true identity.
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