Articles on Target-audience:students/college-students

Why Did You Take My Sister, God?

If you are reading this and for some reason you hate God, and you feel alone, know that He is constantly loving you. He will turn the situation around. Therefore, choose God as He chooses you.

A Goodie Goodie Hypocrite

It could be said that I grew up in the church, however, my heart was not entirely in it.

Moving From the Darkness Into Light

Casey Cashen's once dark and disturbed life is changed after attending a Cru meeting.

Becoming a Builder: A Conversation with Emiliano Monteiro

Haunted by Pilate's question "what is truth?" Emiliano Monteiro finds peace when friends help him overcome his spiritual objections to faith.

Ben Carter

Varsity soccer player at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich.

My Story: Attrace Chang

Attrace Chang knew Jesus died for her sins, but still didn’t really embrace her need for a Savior until God showed her how broken she really was.

My Story: Sarina Martinez

Sarina Martinez, at Northern Illinois University, accepted Christ in September 2010. Her life has changed dramatically, and now she is determined to tell others where her new-found freedom comes from.

My Story: Ryan Chesler

A student finds out who Jesus is on Boise State University campus.

My Life’s Turning Point

Susan learned what was missing in her faith.

My Story: Stephanie Bethel

“I grew up going to church because [my] parents. I really didn’t think about it too much the rest of the week.”

My Story: Shawn

My heart just changed, and I believed–just from reading Genesis.

My Story: Ryan Lam

Ryan accepted Christ after an eye surgery helped him see his need for a Savior.

Not About Rules

Through discipleship, Monique learns that God doesn’t want to kill our fun and, if He asks us to give up something, He has something better in mind.

As I Was Running, God Was Following

After growing up in a Christian home and losing her dad to cancer, Jessica understands the gospel in college when she reaches a breaking point.

No More Pretending

Hannah tried to please people by wanting to be what they wanted her to be instead what God wanted her to be. She repented of her sin and now seeks to follow and please God.

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