Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/violence

In a World So Divided, Is Unity Possible?

In a world like this, with people from so many different backgrounds and with so many points of view, is unity possible?

When Artists Fight For Justice

Transforming a community through creativity, connectedness and collaboration.

How Men Should Respond to the NFL Crisis

This issue goes far beyond the NFL. This is a cultural issue—a human relationships, marriage and family issue—and at its root is a crisis in manhood.

Faith Stronger than Hatchets

Assassins brutally attacked Sara, Tomas, and their 2 young daughters while the family was sleeping. Read Sara’s true story of tested faith.

Charleston: We Mourn With You

I don’t know how to respond as a white American Christian who is part of the majority culture. I can’t fully understand the pain or the depth of the wounds. But I’m still hurting.

Life’s Questions

Explore answers to life's biggest questions.

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