Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/trauma

Part 3

Depending on God in suffering.

Part 2

Entering suffering honestly.

Part 1

Embracing suffering as part of the journey.

The Suffering Series

You don't have to suffer alone. Journey with us through this 3-part series on dealing with suffering.

7 Ways to Help a Loved One Who Has Experienced Trauma

It’s hard to know how to help someone who has experienced trauma. Here are seven practical and compassionate ways you can care for your loved one.

When the World Feels Unsafe

What do you do when tragedy reminds you of the fragile state of this world?

When ISIS Gets Personal

Although this situation is darker, scarier, and bigger than we can wrap our minds or hearts around, we can make a difference.

What I Did After Surviving a Mass Shooting

Jim Tucker chooses forgiveness after being shot by the gunman that also injured congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

We Are the Persecuted Church

How to respond to another blow to the body of Christ.

Remembering Ferguson: My Response as A Christian Black Man

An African American man explains how he experiences the death of Mike Brown and other black men, and what we can all to do move toward healing.

Faith Stronger than Hatchets

Assassins brutally attacked Sara, Tomas, and their 2 young daughters while the family was sleeping. Read Sara’s true story of tested faith.

How Do I Give Thanks Even in Suffering?

Thanksgiving is no quick, easy fix, or recipe for skipping past our emotions. In fact, it’s the opposite. When your fists are balled, hold onto God who can take on any anxiety.

Charleston: We Mourn With You

I don’t know how to respond as a white American Christian who is part of the majority culture. I can’t fully understand the pain or the depth of the wounds. But I’m still hurting.

Being a Friend to the Mourning

It can be hard to know how to be a friend when you’re needed most. There are practical ways to show your love and care to a friend who is grieving.

Why Do Encounters With God Involve Such Deep Pain?

Most life-changing encounters with God usually involve deep emotional, physical or psychological pain.

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