Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/technology

6 Ingredients That Will Help You Fast From Technology

When connecting with God looks like turning off your smartphone.

What Gets in the Way of Relationships

We all desire life-giving friendships. So why is it so hard to find them? Could your habits or the way you relate to technology be getting in the way of what you really want?

How to Become a Tech-Wise Family

Andy Crouch explores some everyday steps for putting technology in its proper place – Excerpt from his book, “The Tech-Wise Family”

What Do You Value?

What would you do with $500 million bucks? How do you want to be remembered after you die? What we value says a lot about who we are. Take our short quiz to find out what you value most in life.

How to Use Your Smartphone Like a Worldchanger

What if the technology that brings you face-to-face with the world’s problems became the means to fight back with hope and healing?

The FamilyLife Today® iPhone App

Find daily encouragement for your marriage and family right at your fingertips with the free FamilyLife Audio iPhone, iPad, and iTouch app.


Use this 31-day content to explore what discipleship looks like for believers from being disciple to learning to do discipleship.


God calls each of us to be a part of His mission. What is your vision to impact the kingdom? Will you go?


Many struggle to keep the New Year’s self improvement resolutions. Instead of feeling defeated by our desire to look better or perform better, join us this month in a discussion of identity and how God truly sees us. #WhoAmI

Where is God Sending You?

Use this 7-day campaign to explore listening to God’s call on your life.

Cru US Ministries

Use this 30-day content to share your social media audience all that Cru has within the United States from JESUS Film to Nations Ministry.

Taking the Pledge

We are embarking on a great adventure as we seek to be more like Jesus. We want to Go, Do, Say and Give what God wants of us and we’re inviting you to pledge the same. Will you join us on this adventure? #ThePledge

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