Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/suicide

Walking Wounded

“Suicide didn’t feel like an option anymore.”

Something Was Missing - How My Life Changed

Didi’s story of how she meets God after questioning Him, His Word, life and attempting to take her life as a teenager in Bulgaria.

Walking Wounded

“Suicide didn’t feel like an option anymore.”

The Day I Planned to Die

On the way to commit suicide, a teen hears a voice in his head that tells him not to. A few days later he finds out what stopped him.

Suicide Prevention Resources

Are you dealing with suicidal thoughts and depression or know someone who is? Here you'll find articles, studies and stories of others' personal experiences with suicide and depression.

Giving Life Another Chance

Give life another chance. You may be reading this article because you are contemplating killing yourself. Or perhaps you know someone who is. If you are at the end of your rope there are suicide hotlines and other resources here.

10 Things I Learned From My Daughter's Suicide

My world still stops for a few seconds when I say those words. I never cease to feel the enormity of the loss, the emptiness left in her wake. The wound has healed, but the scar remains.

Mental Health Resources

No matter what you are going through, the pain you are feeling or where life has taken you, you are not alone. We want to help you move toward healing with these mental health resources.

From suicide to a Savior

Jackie told Emma about her own attempted suicide, but also about the hope that changed her.

To the Depressed Christian

As a Christian, depression tempted me to distrust God. I was desperately seeking deliverance He seemed to withhold from me.

3 Ways to Care for Your Depressed Friend

Whether you’re unsure if your loved one is actually depressed or terrified to leave them alone, here are 3 things your friend needs from you right now.

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