Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/relationships

Not About Rules

Through discipleship, Monique learns that God doesn’t want to kill our fun and, if He asks us to give up something, He has something better in mind.

My Story: Blake

Former atheist Blake has found new life in Christ.

How to Stop Being Distracted and Build Better Relationships

There can be many barriers to building relationships. Learn how to find true community by addressing the roots of the problems that distract us from it.

6 Things the Church Does and Why You Need to Be Part of It

Our journey with God isn’t meant to be solitary. We need each other — it’s been this way since Christianity began.

FLESH SERIES: Sex, Lust, Porn and The Christian

FLESH Series is an introduction to God's design for sexuality, the battle of lust and porn, and how Jesus sets us free.

Sign Up for the Desire Discussion Guides

Sign up to access our Desire series discussion guides.

Desire Series - Discussion Guides

Discussion guides for the Desire series for women.

How Far is Too Far When You’re Dating?

Do you want healthy sexual intimacy to be part of your future? Then you have to make certain decisions today.

So What Is Triggering Your Sexual Desire?

If you want to get your unmanageable sexual desires under control you need to understand what could be causing them.

Why Wait?

We’re saturated with images and ideas of sex, and little of it has anything to do with real sex—sex as God intended it.

I Gave My Word to Stop at Third

If faith is really about an intimate connection with God, then the idea is not to see how close to the line you can get but rather to see how close to God you can get.

The Desire Series

Accompany three women who share their experiences of struggling to live by God’s plan for their sexual desires.

Racism: What Thoughts or Feelings Come to Mind?

Click on a quote that best describes your thoughts and feelings about racism to learn more about God’s heart for you right where you’re at.

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