Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/marriage

My Story: Andrei Davidenko

One couples story of rebuilding their marriage in the Ukraine.

Secrets to a Golden Marriage

Chuck Underwood answers the question: "What’s your greatest tip on resolving conflict?"

How to Help Marriages Survive COVID-19

As America battles its way through the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus, new realities are emerging for couples. This pandemic hasn’t been easy to navigate. It doesn’t tiptoe around our lives.

FLESH SERIES: God’s Design for Sex

Before we discuss lust, sexual immorality or pornography, we need to begin with God’s original design.

The Reality of Marriage

Does anyone really know what they’re getting into when they get married?

Resources for the Struggles of Life

If you are suffering from something specific today, here are some articles that may help you.

How You Can Renew Your Marriage

Ways you and your spouse can keep your marriage from drifting apart.

Learning How to Work Together

Characters off a popular television show offer insights to building stronger relationships.

My Affair with the Sea Captain

How an emotional affair almost shipwrecked a marriage.

From Shaky Ground to Solid Foundation

Less than a decade ago, my marriage was on shaky ground. Although Keith and I were both Christians, we didn’t know God’s plan for our family.

Changed Life Wins Back Husband

Wife perseveres in difficult marriage to see the light on the other side.

My Story: On the Mountaintop or in the Valley

Not too long after Mike and I married, he was invited to join a church league softball team. He really enjoyed playing softball, and was free on Monday nights (when the team played), so he assumed that the answer was a no-brainer. Of course he would play!

Mastering Your Money in Marriage

A Bible study to learn to communicate with your spouse in practical ways to problem-solve financial issues.

Why I Changed Careers

John Stokes from FamilyLife explains how he joined the ministry mid-career and why he does it.

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