When God wanted to show Michael how much He loved him, it started with a punch in the face.
We all desire life-giving friendships. So why is it so hard to find them? Could your habits or the way you relate to technology be getting in the way of what you really want?
There can be many barriers to building relationships. Learn how to find true community by addressing the roots of the problems that distract us from it.
There’s no course or handbook on making friends, especially in college. But there’s a few simple how-tos that can help you out.
Join three women as they share experiences of struggling to live according to God’s plan for their sexual desires.
Do you have someone to run alongside as you pursue a healthy sexuality?
The unexpected loss of a close friendship helped one person trust God in a deeper way.
People seem to be hard-wired for relationship. Connecting with others isn’t just a want, it’s a need. But why is that? And why can it be so hard to find relationships that will truly satisfy?
You can serve others to build relationships for spiritual conversations and to care for others. Here’s 30 ideas to get started.
How can we express concern for others and share Christ effectively in potentially awkward scenarios?
These questions will help you move a conversation toward telling your friends about Jesus.
Has a friend ever influenced you in something? Especially in spiritual matters, I believe that people buy into a person before they buy into their faith.
1 Thessalonians presents Paul’s defense of the sincerity of his love, and at the same time provides one of the best outlines found in scripture of the heart, motivation and activities involved in discipleship.
God has given every believer spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ. Every gift and every unique believer is significant and needed by the Body to be healthy and grow.
If you’re aware that someone is angry with you, you should take the initiative to resolve the conflict (Matthew 5:21-26). This session will give you a strategy for talking to someone with whom you’re having a conflict.
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