Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/divorce

When My View of Love was Wrong

One young woman learns to find her hope and love in Christ.

How to Help Marriages Survive COVID-19

As America battles its way through the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus, new realities are emerging for couples. This pandemic hasn’t been easy to navigate. It doesn’t tiptoe around our lives.

Resources for the Struggles of Life

If you are suffering from something specific today, here are some articles that may help you.

He Had Two Affairs in 18 Months

David wanted nothing to do with his wife or marriage.

Divorce Papers Burned

Jason and Allison remarry each other 2 weeks after a Weekend to Remember marriage conference.

My Story: We Couldn't Stop Arguing

On June 28, 2006, after another heated argument brought me to the point of calling a marriage counselor, my husband forwarded an e-mail to me at work. The subject line read: "Conference Registration Received."

Marriage Reconciled Despite Infidelity

Taiwanese woman trusts God to bring her unfaithful husband back.

Marriage Turnaround

Eduardo and Diana Rivadeneira go from rock bottom to leading a FamilyLife ministry, weekend seminars and reaching out to couples whose marriages are struggling.

Don’t Become a Social Media Marriage Casualty

Today, one-third of divorce filings contain the word “Facebook.” Learn four steps on how to avoid this in your marriage.

Does a Good God Want Me in a Bad Marriage?

Even though we seldom can see how God uses trials for our future benefit, He has promised to use them for good, and He is faithful to keep His word.

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