Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/abandonment

Getting Off the Bus and Finding a Home

Lupe Torres found more than free food when she got off the bus at The Salvation Army.

Was Gaining God Worth Losing My Family?

A student in Australia risks rejection from her parents for her new faith in Christ.

Adopted, Again

Jen Schad’s life is changed forever on a spring break trip.

My Story: Leslie Davis

I have gone to church all my life. But, my view of God was different, says Leslie Davis whose life was changed through the influence of her friends and a thought provoking presentation of the Truth of Jesus Christ.

When My View of Love was Wrong

One young woman learns to find her hope and love in Christ.

Adopted in Panama

Karina Hou decided to follow Christ after wrestling with feelings of abandonment and thoughts of suicide.

The Choice Between Jesus And Family

Ethiopian Tariku Fufa was kicked out of his house when he became a Christian. Here’s how God redeemed his life and family.

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