Articles on Secular-topics:holidays

How To Be Present During the Holidays

Does the holiday season bring too much busyness, stress and disappointment? Do you long for a different kind of experience? Here are six tips to help you be more present over the holidays.

4 Things That Will Stop You From Going Broke Over the Holidays

Don’t let your holiday spending get out of control. These four tips will help you rein in your spending and let you focus on making your Christmas more meaningful.

3 Ways Busy People Can Give the Gift of Their Time

The holidays are coming up, and your to-do list is already full. You know it’s important to give and share, but how will you find the time?

6 Tips for Starting Holiday Traditions of Your Own

Do you want to establish your own traditions with your family and friends this holiday season? Here are six ways to help you do just that.

Be Our Guest

Befriend an international student during the holidays

How to Not Waste Your Winter Break

Have you ever reached the end of Christmas break and wondered where it went? Christmas is over, and you’re exhausted and still not ready to go back to class? Try these simple tricks to get the most out of your winter break this year.

How to Honor Mom on Mother’s Day

Discover significant yet simple ways to honor your mom on Mother’s Day this year.

How Should Christians Respond To Earth Day?

I believe nature is one of the most powerful tools we have in worship and evangelism.

Life & Relationships

If you were created for community, why can relationships — family, dating, co-workers, neighbors — be so hard? Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God.

Train & Grow

Training and growth resources from the ministry of Cru.

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