Articles on Secular-topics:emotions/pride

My Story: Attrace Chang

Attrace Chang knew Jesus died for her sins, but still didn’t really embrace her need for a Savior until God showed her how broken she really was.

My Story: Bryan Ingvaldson

I wasn't quite sure how I could come to God. I thought I needed to clean myself up, so then I could accept Christ. What I needed was a change in my worship.

You Can’t Do It Alone: Change Is Easier When You Have Help

Change isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you are trying to do it on your own. Inviting others into your life can provide the support and encouragement you need to change your life for the better.

But Christians Aren’t Supposed To Be Broken

The depression was gone, but I was surprised to find that the brokenness remained. My wound had been healed, and I was still broken.

Unlocking the Struggle of Pride

Locking his keys in his car and meeting a man in need reveal one man’s deeper struggle with pride.

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