Following an abusive relationship that led to depression and anxiety, Amy discovered peace. Read as she recounts God’s rescuing work in her life.
Marelie Coulon did not understand and was afraid of God. Her freshman year in University, she accepted Christ and is learning to surrender all areas of her life to Him, including school, family, and physical health.
Chronic mental health problems are on the rise, raising serious issues for those working with female students.
Are you dealing with suicidal thoughts and depression or know someone who is? Here you'll find articles, studies and stories of others' personal experiences with suicide and depression.
Give life another chance. You may be reading this article because you are contemplating killing yourself. Or perhaps you know someone who is. If you are at the end of your rope there are suicide hotlines and other resources here.
If you are suffering from something specific today, here are some articles that may help you.
All of life is a spiritual learning experience. God is there for people who are suffering. People can really experience God's help and presence in the valley of depression.
No matter what you are going through, the pain you are feeling or where life has taken you, you are not alone. We want to help you move toward healing with these mental health resources.
Advent Devotional for December 4 - Blue Christmas.
Learn how God relates to us when we suffer through the Bible story of Job. We've compiled list of articles on different life struggles such as addiction, depression, spritual dryness, marital strife and more. If you are suffering from something specific today, browse this list of resources that can help you in your journey.
The book of Job illustrates how we can relate to God when we suffer.
The depression was gone, but I was surprised to find that the brokenness remained. My wound had been healed, and I was still broken.
I never wanted to forgive those who hurt me.
It can be hard to know how to be a friend when you’re needed most. There are practical ways to show your love and care to a friend who is grieving.
I went through a period where I was struggling with feelings of anxiety and guilt about my performance as a Christian. Then God showed me I was looking at myself and my flaws in the wrong way.
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