Articles on Secular-topics:emotions/acceptance

Roel Ceballos

Man's quest for acceptance takes him on a journey of discovery, leading him to the unconditional security and assurance found only in Jesus Christ.

Being Loved by God is Better Than Being Loved by People

Mimi Bailey's story of how Christ changed her life.

Was Gaining God Worth Losing My Family?

A student in Australia risks rejection from her parents for her new faith in Christ.

No More Pretending

Hannah tried to please people by wanting to be what they wanted her to be instead what God wanted her to be. She repented of her sin and now seeks to follow and please God.

A Double Life

Cody tried to please people by wanting to be what they wanted him to be instead what God wanted him to be. Now he seeks to follow and please God.

How to Satisfy Your Need For Acceptance

“... instead of having [people] accept me for who I was, I tried to change into the person I thought they wanted me to be.”

A Masking Smile and a Guilty Heart

“I was always trying to make sure I had the approval from others that I feared I didn’t really have from God.”

When rejection is God’s direction

Sometimes, what seems like rejection is actually God directing us right where we need to be.

Day 1 - 35 Day Challenge

Day 1 of our 35-Day Challenge.

How to Stop Being Distracted and Build Better Relationships

There can be many barriers to building relationships. Learn how to find true community by addressing the roots of the problems that distract us from it.

What You Can Learn From Lunar New Year

Whether you’re an outsider to a tradition that seems strange or wondering about your own, try to move beyond your “head” to your “heart.” Instead of critiquing what doesn’t make sense, ask where traditions come from.

Being An Introvert In An Extrovert’s World

Three insightful steps that can help introverts navigate living in an extroverted world while understanding their unique wiring.

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